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Build Trust, Credibility and Respect

You’ll learn the communication fundamentals for building trust, and be able to share them across your team.

Information zum Kurs

Research by Dale Carnegie found that the emotional trigger that drives employee engagement is trust. Yet some statistics say that a staggering 40 percent of employees don’t trust management. This creates a conundrum, because employees are motivated by working in a trusting environment, yet too many times find themselves in one where they lack this foundation. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to avoid this gap by fostering a culture of trust, and that starts with building trust between yourself and each team member. A relationship grounded in trust spawn’s credibility and respect, which shores a culture that works harder together.

Inhalte des Trainings

In this workshop, you learn the difference between trust, credibility and respect, and how their nuances contribute to your ability to lead people to great heights. Building and restoring trust is not easy but using the right techniques and tools will engender a healthy environment that engages people and ensures you retain them.

Nutzen des Trainings

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