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Step Up to Leadership

This program will smooth your transition from an individual contributor to becoming a leader.


This program will smooth your transition from an individual contributor to becoming a leader. You’ll learn the basics like delegation, time management, and performance appraisal techniques. You'll collaborate with others in similar roles, gaining insights into the more advanced aspects of leadership to better inspire and motivate your team.

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

In this module, you learn how to set performance goals, determine the results needed from each team member, and effective delegate activities necessary to achieve those results. Learn how to uncover opportunities for creating stretch goals that bring out the leadership potential in yourself and your team members. Identify your leadership style and the impact of that style on your team.

Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

Any supervisor or manager who wants to increase productivity, boost morale, and improve quality will want to take this course. You’ll learn to give feedback in ways that others are receptive and eager to grow. Gaining an understanding of the 12 qualities of outstanding leaders, you’ll be able to build relationships of mutual trust and respect and resolve conflicts before they affect the whole team.

Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

This seminar unveils five drivers formalized at Dale Carnegie that help you to become the type of leader who moves teams forward. Leave with practical tools and techniques for being a superstar leader. You’ll develop high-energy team that gets results because you’ll know how to lead them, not just manage them.

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