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You’ll learn to create fair but demanding accountability systems that get results.


Delegation isn’t just about moving stuff off your plate. It’s about developing others while efficiently achieving specific organizational outcomes. Delegation takes some work on a leader’s part to determine who is ready for specific assignments and who can take ownership, while not taking control.

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

You’ll learn to create fair but demanding accountability systems that get results. Using an adaptable delegation process, you’ll plan and prepare for giving assignments and structure tasks that develop others. By employing an empowerment cycle, you can communicate clear expectations about performance standards.

Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

You can’t do everything yourself. Identifying opportunities for delegating tasks, and the people who are ready to tackle them, is a key management skill for getting things done on time and on budget. Knowing the fine art of delegating enables you to produce results through empowerment!

Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

While it might seem like you can just hand over an assignment to someone else and they’ll handle it, sometimes it’s not that easy. This workshop helps you discern who can handle what, and you’ll have a system for communicating those tasks in a way team members understand and feel empowered. You’ll hold others accountable for given responsibilities, enabling you to produce more work in less time through the collaboration.

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Semua Bahasa
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Informasi yang Anda berikan ini akan digunakan sesuai dengan ketentuan kebijakan privasi kami.