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A Manager’s Guide to Sustainable Employee Engagement

This three-session seminar takes you through the steps to generate engagement and sustain higher levels of motivation.


Sure paychecks matter, but research shows that front-line managers have more of an impact on employee engagement levels than any other driver -- more than faith in the company, pride in a product, and job promotions. Relationships with their managers is the biggest determining factor for an employee’s willingness to go the extra mile or even stay with the company. This series explores factors that drive employee engagement and why the manager’s role is vital.

Apa yang akan akan pelajari

This three-session seminar takes you through the steps to generate engagement and sustain higher levels of motivation. Explore attributes, actions, and behaviors that enhance emotions that spark discretionary effort among your workers. Adopt best practices to become a manager and gain support from every level of your organization.

Mengapa Anda ingin mempelajarinya

Organizations with engaged employees out-perform other organizations by 202%, and shareholder return is nearly 20% higher! Be the catalyst of high engagement in your organization and watch productivity and profits go through the roof – and employees STOP going out the door!

Bagaimana ini akan membantu Anda

With a clearer understanding of the business value of engagement, devise a plan to increase motivation and sustain a fully engaged workforce in your organization. Engagement is within your reach. Leverage tools to build and strengthen drive, and see measurable results!

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