Speak More Effectively

Benefit of this eBook

Effective communication is critical in any role, and the mark of a truly successful person is the ability to energize a team, a boardroom, or an arena. This book shows you that talking about your own experiences is no more difficult than telling a good story to a friend. It will help you develop the courage and self-confidence to speak in any public setting.

What You'll Learn With It

Discover eight guiding principles that prepare you for flawless public speaking. Learn how to eliminate the nervous jitters and speak with confidence and credibility. Mr. Carnegie’s compelling, first-hand stories bring the principles to life.

Why You Need It

Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energising a team, the power of your presentation makes all the difference. While having a thorough knowledge of your content earns you the right to speak, you also need to be excited about your message. If an audience senses your genuine passion, they’ll hang on every word.

What You'll Do With It

Inspire large audiences, address the media, or simply control a meeting. Deliver a riveting presentation that yields positive results. Be the flashlight in the dark room that shows everyone the way!
Speak More Effectively
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