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Managing Conflict in the Workplace

This course will teach you to diagnose conflict before it intensifies, apply appropriate conflict resolution techniques to specific situations, and remain calm under fire.

Om kursen

In a perfect world, unicorns would roam the woods, rainbows would cover the skies, chocolate would have no calories and there would be no conflict. Sadly, the world is not perfect, and managers are required to resolve conflicts between associates, subordinates, and even their own peers. By listening empathetically, asking pertinent questions, evaluating the personalities involved, and determining the appropriate level of intervention, a good manager can resolve the strife without ever having to draw his sword.

Vad du kommer att lära dig

This course will teach you to diagnose conflict before it intensifies, apply appropriate conflict resolution techniques to specific situations, and remain calm under fire. Learn to recognize your own anger triggers and ways to address them confidently. Analyze methods for resolving conflict that leave valuable relationships unscathed.

Varför du behöver lära dig det

Conflict is usually the result of opposing viewpoints, but if you consider it as a natural sharing of ideas, it can be beneficial. With a clear understanding of the issues and the personalities involved, a good manager can resolve a conflict quickly and effectively. A happy workplace is a healthy workplace!

Hur det kommer att hjälpa dig

If conflict can be resolved before it’s ever given the opportunity to escalate, then productivity will flourish and morale will remain high. Prompt and efficient conflict management has a positive effect on the bottom line. And of course, it’s always nice to avoid bloodshed.

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