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Cultivate Power Without Being Intimidating

You will be presented with 9 tips for changing behavior without creating resentment.

Om kursen

Successful organizational leadership requires being able to maintain control without intimidating others to the point where they are reluctant to act. To gain the respect of your team members, you need to be approachable and receptive. Using Dale Carnegie’s principles, this course develops your interpersonal leadership skills and retains respect, without compromising good will.

Vad du kommer att lära dig

You will be presented with 9 tips for changing behavior without creating resentment. Analyze difficult attitudes and behaviors, and discover ways to steer contentious people and situations. Learn how to give and receive constructive feedback and master the ability to keep your cool under pressure.

Varför du behöver lära dig det

This course focuses on ways you can re-direct bad behaviors, and maintain control and increase performance -- without intimidating others. It’s like having your cake and eating it too! You’re in charge, and people like and respect you. Score!

Hur det kommer att hjälpa dig

You’ll be able to keep your cool under pressure. Tap into new ways to effectively assuage unpleasant people and events, without coercion. In short, you’ll be able to function in disaster and finish in style!

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