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Personal & Professional Development Courses for High School Students

Personal & Professional Development Courses for High School Students

Learn the Necessary Soft Skills Needed for Future Success

Young students often need to balance school, work and relationships while at the same time, planning for their future.
Today, the world is more complex, competitive and demanding than ever before. Dale Carnegie helps teens develop personal & professional skills to become more confident and better able to cope with the pressure and stress that they face as students.
Graduates tell us that their new skills have made them increasingly focused on their goals.
Teens feel they make better decisions when faced with difficult choices and confront problems and challenges more positively with Dale Carnegie's personal development programs and courses.
student presenting in front of class
3 people in conversation
Build and maintain productive relationships
Leadership is not a solitary activity, nor is the focus on the leader; rather it is about how leaders treat the people they work with and how they make people feel about themselves and the work. To get things done through other people, leaders must demonstrate that they genuinely care about the people with whom they work. This is what inspires team members to go above and beyond.
Help people be the best version of themselves
People would rather work for someone who builds them up rather than putting them down. They must treat others well and with respect. In most cases, people don’t quit jobs, they quit leaders, especially the ones that don’t care about them and aren’t committed to their growth.

Our teen personal & professional development training courses will help:

  • Learn how to balance school, work, and relationships.

  • Plan for your future - including college and work.
  • Make better decisions when faced with difficult choices.

  • Become a persuasive communicator to ace job interviews and college applications.

Explore Courses for Teens


Build Self-Confidence and Enhance Communication Skills

sales relationships
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Closing the Sale by Building Customer Relationships

To offer your customers value, you must first have a clear understanding of their needs. To that end, the most important thing you can do in any customer interaction is to ask questions, and then listen.


Expand and sharpen your professional development skills for a more successful career.

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