Leadership Effectiveness
Take your leadership to the next level through this leadership training series of eleven Dale Carnegie courses and webinars. Each lesson focuses on equipping both beginner and veteran leaders with better leadership skills and increased competencies for leading others. From learning to pivot in changing times to becoming more assertive to managing a virtual team, participants who commit to these courses will find themselves increasing their professional skills in no time.
This subscription path includes the following courses:
- Meetings that Work (3 hours)
- Secrets to Leading with Assertiveness (3 hour)
- Secrets of Motivation (3 hours)
- Build Trust, Credibility, and Respect (3 hours)
- Adjust to Change (3 hours)
- Analyze Problems and Make Decisions (3 hours)
- Self-Awareness: Leading with Emotional Intelligence (3 hours)
- Getting Results without Authority (1 hour)
- Managing Conflict in the Workplace (3 hours)
- Leading a High Performing Team (3 hour)
- Leading Across Generations (3 hours)
Who should attend?
Supervisors, managers, and executives who want to improve their leadership performance
What You’ll Learn
With this year-long course series subscription, you will discover more effective ways to transition from an individual contributor to a well-respected leader. You’ll learn to hold successful meetings, build better rapport, analyze and make confident decisions, and much more. The eleven included leadership training programs provide enhanced and advanced skills for leaders of all levels to improve their personal performance.
Trying to learn how to make a bigger impact on others? Check out our Leadership Essentials package.
Why You Want To Learn It
There’s a big difference between being a leader and being a boss. These trainings and the skills you are enhancing are critical to leading others. By working on your personal performance, you can gain buy-in from the people you lead, resulting in more efficient and effective work with better business results.
How It Will Help You
Becoming a confident leader who manages others well is a necessary ingredient to advancing within a company. Good leaders gain more responsibility and higher positions. Your mastery of the tools and techniques acquired during these courses will make leading others easier so you can be recognized and move ahead in your career and life.
Principles from How to Win Friends and Influence People show you how to influence others to support your vision. Discover 9 techniques for enhancing relationships, and fundamental techniques for becoming a respected leader. Tips for handling criticism and stress set you free to move forward with new ideas and stronger partnerships. Read More >
The Dale Carnegie® methodology is time-tested with thousands of testimonials attesting that it works. From the very start, on an individual level, you will set stretch goals and with the support of the social learning environment, the ‘in-the-moment’ coaching by the highly trained facilitators, the accountability to commitments, progress will be visible to yourself and others. In the Dale Carnegie® methodology, we focus on building strengths to overpower our weaknesses. We believe that everyone has inherent greatness, and it simply needs to be identified and nurtured.