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eVolve Renewal Subscription

Build on the momentum you’ve started and reinforce the skills you’ve developed by extending your access to eVolve for another year with this basic renewal subscription package.
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You’ve come a long way and you’ve seen first-hand how Dale Carnegie programs come alive on eVolve. Interactive screens to help support the learning; videos by our Master Trainers that demonstrate the skills you’re learning; engaging online discussions with those in your cohort: these are just some of the ways eVolve supports the world-class instructor-led training you’ve received.

What You’ll Learn

Extending your access to eVolve provides continued opportunities to use your course materials. It also allows you to leverage the free content on eVolve such as the Win Friends and Influence People microlearning videos, the Dale Carnegie Thought Leadership library, podcasts, surveys, featured videos and more, as well as new free content as it’s added to the platform. You’ll also have the opportunity reinforce your skills with the Performance Coaching and Enrichment Packages available through eVolve.

Why You Want To Learn It

Knowledge becomes skill and skill becomes habit with continued practice. The more opportunities you take to immerse yourself in the content and apply the skills you’ve developed, the more value you’ll derive from your training and the greater the return on your investment will be.

How It Will Help You

Developing skills to your full potential is seldom accomplished with a single program. Instructor-led training, coaching, reference material, practice, review, and availing yourself to new learning opportunities are all key to your development. eVolve provides the continuity that ties together all the various components of your learning journey.


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What is eVolve?
eVolve is a transformational learning platform designed to build skills through experience, social collaboration, practice and application in the real world. eVolve is the only online learning platform to harness the time-tested principles of Dale Carnegie and the unique training methodology that creates performance change. In courses elevated by the eVolve learning platform, you will connect with your trainer and peers before, during and after the course and unlock digital content to supplement your learning journey. Sustain and sharpen your skills with 12 months extended access.

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