Communication Skills Video Collection
They cover a variety of important skills that can help you achieve better connections and relationships in your professional and personal lives.
This On Demand series of videos provides you with access to eVolve, the only learner experience platform that combines on-demand delivery with Dale Carnegie’s time-tested content. You’ll enjoy additional free content on eVolve and access to the platform for one year.
What You’ll Learn
The nine topics in this series include the Cycle of Performance Improvement, Remembering Names, Fundamental Principles for Overcoming Worry, Disagree Agreeably, and additional topics that are essential to effective communication as contributor or leader within your organization.
Why You Want To Learn It
Your ability to communicate with people is key to your personal and professional success. The skills in these microlearning videos help you solidify your understanding of the communication essentials to improve relationships and further develop in your personal life and professional career.
How It Will Help You
Communication skills are at the top of the list of what organizations are looking for in the talent they hire and hope to retain and promote. It’s the essential ingredient that separates leaders from others with similar experience, education, and credentials. It’s what helps you succeed at every level of your career.