Emotional Drivers of Employee Engagement
Benefit of this White Paper
Emotions and engagement are deeply-interconnected. Every touchpoint of the employee experience can elicit emotions – some of which drive engagement and others that kill it.
What You'll Learn With It
Engagement is more than being happy at work. Learn the power of positive emotions on employee engagement, discover the four key emotional drivers, and identify ways to help your people feel the emotions that matter in connection with their work.
Why You Need It
Substantial research now supports the idea that positive emotions in the workplace yield a range of tangible benefits. When it comes to their performance, the emotions employees are feeling can be as important as the skills and knowledge they bring to their roles.
What You'll Do With It
Build positive emotional capital among employees by increasing your awareness of the impact of emotions, and by using the knowledge in designing your employee experience to maximize emotions that foster engagement and minimize those that damage it.
Emotional Drivers of Employee Engagement