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Kreativität – ein sozialer Prozess: Die zwischenmenschliche Dynamik von Innovation am Arbeitsplatz

Worum geht es?

Kreativität zählt zu den gefragtesten Kompetenzen. Und die Nachfrage nimmt zu – dank einem Umfeld, das von VUCA, Innovation und Agilität getrieben ist. Was beeinflusst Kreativität und wie gut gelingt es Unternehmen gelingt, ein kreativitätsförderndes Umfeld zu schaffen?


Creativity is Social: The Interpersonal Dynamics of Innovation in the Workplace lays out a practical model for encouraging creative ideas and realizing their innovative potential. It is based on secondary research as well as related insights from Dale Carnegie Training’s own work, including our global survey of creativity in the workplace.


With the constant threat of disruption and the accelerated lifecycles of products and services, companies have to think about problems and business issues in new ways. Maximizing efficiencies is no longer enough for continued growth. Businesses must get creative.


While humans are inherently creative, turning ideas into innovation requires the right kind of supportive environment. Learn about the interpersonal dynamics that encourage people’s creativity and increase the chance that it results in new ways of creating value.
Kreativität – ein sozialer Prozess: Die zwischenmenschliche Dynamik von Innovation am Arbeitsplatz
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